Sunday, March 30, 2008

Paper and Fire in Manchester, Connecticut

Another flashback to the Manchester of my youth. Remembering a fire at Lydall and Foulds in 1960, when I was a kid and attended the Bowers Elementary School in Manchester, Connecticut.
To read the story follow the link below.

Paper and Fire

Laudizen King

PS: A Thank You to RJS for his comment. LK 3/31

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also grew up in Manchester and lived just east of you on Tracy Dr. Salter's pond was right beneath my house and we could sled down from the hill behind our house all the way to the pond. The swing was still there when I was growing up about 4 years behind you. I went to Bowers for 2nd grade and that is where I learned to speak English after having come from Cuba.


Besides Salter's I am sure you must have explored the sand dunes north of High Ridge and the tobacco barns east of the Salter's pond swamp. I ended up going to East Catholic and still remember the seniors nervously awaiting the results of the draft my freshman year.

I visited Manchester once or twice to visit old family friends of my parents and parents of my friends. Like you I am also in the LA area working up at Edwards AFB as a flight tester. Enjoyed rekindling the old memories, especially the good ones.