'Death Valley Wind', a collection of 38 stories, is now available for purchase and download at Amazon and Smashwords. The travels, memoirs, and stories in this eBook cover a wide array of subjects, locales, and events: houseboats, motorcycles, Yosemite hiking, the artist’s life, personal loss, a mother’s gift, Little Tokyo, lost love, winter in New Hampshire, the wind of Death Valley, Richard Brautigan, Joni Mitchell and the town of Hollister, and much more.
In 'The Power of Symbol', the author as a child learns about the Holocaust and the power of symbol, and in the story 'Heinrich Harrer', the author relates a strange and distant communication between Laudizen's brother and the famous climber and adventurer. Also included in this book are 4 baseball stories ('Foul Ball', 'With Carlton Fisk, Forever', 'Baseball and Coffee', 'Born to Love Baseball'), my wife's amazing oral history of her grandfather's life in the Southwest ('The Road to Paradise'), the story of a motorcycle accident and its aftermath ('October 5, 1980'), a remembrance of the town of Manchester, New Hampshire ('The Queen City'), 2 stories about direct sales ('Chairman of the Board', 'The Product'), and a strange tale of a group of Boy Scout misfits ('Scouting and the Tattoo Merit Badge').
'Death Valley Wind' is a diverse and multi-layered collection of stories; all readers should find some moment or emotion to call their own.
Two hyperlinks appear below; visit Smaswords to download the eBook in any format or visit Amazon to download the eBook to your Kindle.
'Death Valley Wind' at
'Death Valley Wind' at
(approx 55,400 words)
The Power of Symbol
With Carlton Fisk, Forever
Induced Enlistee
First Flights
Leaving the Army
Snow Day at the Dugout
Off the Shoulder of Orion
In the Mind of the Artist
Baseball and Coffee
Foul Ball
Sto Lat
Sentinel Snow
October 5, 1980
Pasadena Lunch
Scouting, and the Tattoo Merit Badge
Chairman of the Board
The Product
The Fokker U 2
Piece of Work
Death Valley Wind
Awash and Adrift on the Hockanum River
Little Tokyo Moment
On a Beach on Nantucket
Mountain Pond and Carter Dome
The Pyrite Literary Review
Born to Love Baseball
Heinrich Harrer
Song for Hollister
The Road to Paradise
Oscar Wilde on Death
The Queen City
Thank you!
Laudizen King
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