Sunday, June 20, 2010


'Mosaics' and 'The White Mountain Chronicles' are the titles of two Ebooks by Laudizen King and are published by Smashwords. Sales coupons good for a discount on the price of each download are available on the Laudizen website.

'Mosaics' is a collection of 41 stories, essays, travels, and memoirs that span the decades of a life. Because this book is so hard to encapsulate in the 400 characters (including spaces) that appear with the publisher, Laudizen has published a description of 'Mosaics' on his website.

Find it at the link below.


'The White Mountain Chronicles' celebrate the eighteen years the author spent traveling and hiking in the Granite State of New Hampshire. Discover 'The White Mountain Chronicles' at the link below.

The White Mountain Chronicles


Friday, June 4, 2010

Lunch goes Awry

Lunch went awry when I opened my cup of gelatin fruit only to discover that it was really fruit cocktail in heavy syrup.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Two new Stories

Two new submissions from Elaine Morris are in the 2 Wheel Muse. One is an account of visiting the Allman Brothers Museum (The Big House), the other describes a road trip to Texas. Enjoy

The Big House

Road Trip to Texas
