Saturday, March 5, 2011

Song for Hollister

A song by Joni Mitchell, "Urge for Going", recalls a special moment with my wife some 10 years ago, and I return in my mind to Hollister, California and feel the emotions of that night anew.

Read the story at the link below.
Song for Hollister


Read an eBook Week March 6-12, 2011

Read an eBook Week is March 6-12, 2011

To show my support for this promotion, I am reducing the price of all three eBooks that I currently have available at Smashwords: I will sell 2 books ("The White Mountain Chronicles" and "Mosaics") at 50% off list price, and "Death Valley Wind" will be free.

They are published by Smashwords and are available in all the download formats used by the most popular digital readers: the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook, the Sony e-reader, select Palm devices, the Apple iPhone or iPad, and your personal computer as well.

To begin, create an account at with an email address and a password.

Visit my authors page during the week of March 6-12 at the following link to select a book.
Laudizen King

Add a book to your shopping cart and follow the instructions.

Don't have a handheld digital reader? Download a version for your PC at the links below and enjoy eBooks all the more.

Adobe Digital Reader for PC

Kindle for PC

Kindle for MAC

FBReader for Unix

Enjoy, and thanks. Laudizen King